Four, Five, and Six Months Old

 October, 2021

I'll start off by apologizing to future Josephine is she reads this.  I haven't put up an update about her in three months! Three kids and full time working is no joke. The only reason this post is making it up today is because the big sisters are spending a long weekend and Grandma's house😊. Sorry Josephine!

Josephine continues to be an amazing baby. She is very smiley and happy most of the time. Her favorite thing to do is watch her older sisters be silly and run around the house.  I'm sure she can't wait until she can chase after them.

Josephine has decided she doesn't like sleeping anymore. She is up about 3 times a night right now.  It's hard, but I feel like knowing she is our last baby it is a little easier and I really do love our nighttime snuggles.

She had her first food a couple of weeks ago. She has started with bananas and loved them. She was really into carrots and sweet potatoes but seemed to hate pears. 

Josephine is scooting all around the floor and around her crib. If I put her on a blanket she often ends up 2 feet off the blanket in a few minutes.

Photo dump from the last three months!

She loves standing

A Visit from Grammy

She still loves her bath time

Adrienne can't get enough of Josephine

Cecilia loves Josephine too. She just doesn't like her photo taken.

Aunt Amy made us this adorable blanket!

Sisters for life