Finally An Update!


It has been quite a while since our last family post and it has been quite a crazy year! Covid continues to dominate our lives and caused us to miss out on most family gatherings for the last year. I am grateful that the girls are at a young enough age that they do not feel that they are missing out on anything other than the fact that they keep asking when we will visit Grandmama and Grammy!  Luckily the visits are about to start as we are all finishing up our vaccinations!

The biggest news of the last year is that our family will soon be growing (and be complete) as we welcome Baby Girl #3!  She is due any day now.  Although we do already know her name, Josh and I have a tradition of not telling anyone until after she is born.  

I'm currently on maternity leave (which explains how I finally have the time to make an update) but as I look back at the pictures from the last 9 months I realize that even though this year was sad and weird in many ways it was also extremely happy and full of many special memories.  Trying to narrow it down to a few pictures was hard! 

Cecilia has turned into a little artist. Drawing is one of her favorite activities

Both girls love to play doctor

Amores in the driveway

Halloween consisted of backyard candy hunts this year

Ultrasound pictures from when we found out Baby #3 was a girl

The girls loved our Christmas tree

Adrienne set up this scene. The family is sitting on the couch relaxing while the Daddy makes dinner😆

This picture perfectly captures the craziness of our house right now.

Cecilia told me the tag on her winter coat was her "heart".  I still haven't been able to cut it off.

We couldn't visit Santa this year but the girls did get to "talk" to him via FaceTime. It was so cute!

Christmas Eve presents

Admiring the presents

Adrienne likes to make her own restaurant

Dress up happens on a regular basis

Not much snow this year but we did get to build our Frosty

Snuggles with Daddy

She loves Bruce so much

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Cecilia loves to color

Lots of building with Magnatiles and LEGO this year

We can't wait to meet her!

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