Halloween 2018

October 31, 2018

We had a great Halloween this year! Over the last couple of months, Adrienne has really started to love Wonder Woman. She watches her every Saturday when they play the 70s Linda Carter Wonder Woman show on MeTV. We thought this would make a perfect Halloween costume for her and she loved it!

We let her wear the costume before Halloween so she could enjoy it while watching her favorite show!

Josh also found some cute Wonder Woman kid gardening gloves that she really liked.

We went to a Halloween themed birthday party to celebrate Kevin and Baby Charlie's birthdays. Adrienne had fun with the purple octopus ðŸ˜‚.

Cecilia got dressed up for the party too. She was a superhero too in her Batman costume.

On Halloween night, Adrienne couldn't wait to go trick-or-treating. We had been reading a lot of books lately about trick-or-treating so she knew exactly what to do. 

Our new house isn't in the greatest trick-or-treating spot so we weren't sure if we were going to have any kids come to our house. I decided to stay back with the candy and Cecilia (it was a pretty chilly night) and Josh and Adrienne went to a nearby neighborhood to trick-or-treat.  Funny side story: I bet Josh $5 that we wouldn't have a single trick-or-treater. Later he saw some kids in costume walking right past our house. They weren't going to stop so he started flicking our porch lights until they turned and saw our house. I ended up owing him $5. We had a total of 2 groups of trick-or-treaters all night. 

Our little Wonder Woman

Josh dressed up too. I've known him for 14 years now and every single year he has been a pirate.

Our little pumpkin on Halloween night

It was a great Halloween!

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