Now that it is nearly October I guess I have to admit that summer is over. This was a summer of changes. New house, new town, new baby, and Josh's new job. However, a lot of other fun memories happened that we want to remember.
Adrienne went on a 3 mile hike around a lake at Kensington park (while Mommy was 9 months pregnant). She walked almost the entire length and only needed to be carried for a bit because she saw a crane and got scared.
Adrienne went on a 3 mile hike around a lake at Kensington park (while Mommy was 9 months pregnant). She walked almost the entire length and only needed to be carried for a bit because she saw a crane and got scared.
Adrienne went on her first long trip away from Mommy and Daddy. She spent nearly two weeks up north with Grandmama and Boppa. She had a blast and we were a bit worried that she wouldn't want to come home!
I was the co-maid of honor at Lauren's wedding. Josh and I had a lot of fun and were so happy to celebrate with them.
We have really been enjoying Williamston. They had several little festivals throughout the summer that were great. At one festival they had a firetruck spraying a hose overhead for the kids to play in. Can you spot Adrienne?
We tried to get outside as much as possible on the days it wasn't too hot. It was an incredibly HOT summer.
We went to the MelonFest in Howell even though we don't live there anymore. Adrienne's favorite part was the school bus that they converted into a little library. Josh's favorite part was the Lego :)
We've been going on lots of walks now that we have a double stroller. Adrienne loves that she can look at her sister and Cecilia loves to fall asleep in it.
Adrienne moved into a "Big Girl Bed". She had a lot of trouble at first and needed someone to lay with her until she fell asleep. We were lucky to have Grammy with us when she was like that! She is much better at falling asleep on her own now especially since Daddy made her a special star night light.
She fell asleep once in her tent instead of her bed. It was adorable.
She sleeps with A LOT of stuffed animals. In this picture I can see.....2 giant elephants, a giant polar bear, a giant brown bear, Mickey Mouse, snoopy, and 5 pillows. And I'm sure there's more hidden underneath!
With a newborn baby, there was a bit more TV watching for Adrienne than I would like to admit ;). Some of her favorite movies to watch this summer were "The Greatest Showman", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Tinker-belle". She loved to dance to the music from The Greatest Showman.
We spent Labor Day up in Cadillac. I always love seeing Adrienne and Henry play together. I can't wait until Cecilia can join in the fun!
Josh made a picture with the fresh vegetables from the garden.
Fun with the hose
We got to meet Baby Ezra. Adrienne is excited to have another cousin and we are excited to have another nephew! Cecilia, Ezra and Leo were all born this year!
It was definitely a summer to remember!