Introducing Cecilia June Leask

August 2018

She is finally here! Cecilia June Leask was born July 21, 2018 at 8:11 AM. She weighed 8 pounds exactly and was 20 inches long.

With Adrienne, I had to be induced early so this was going to be my first time going into labor naturally. I didn't know what to expect. Around dinner time I started to feel something but it wasn't too bad so I figured we could wait until the next day. At 3 o'clock in the morning I realized the contractions were coming 6-8 minutes apart. The doctor told us to wait for 5 minutes apart, but being that we live an hour from the hospital, we decided to leave right then. It was a good thing that we did! We arrived at the hospital at 4AM and Cecilia was born just about four hours later! It was a super smooth birth with zero complications. We are so fortunate that Cecilia was born healthy and that all of the doctors and nurses were so amazing.

Ready to deliver!

First picture with Mommy

First picture with Daddy

First picture with Big Sister

Leaving the hospital

Adrienne has been all about Cecilia since she came home. She loves to give her snuggles and tell her "It's okay Cecilia". Adrienne has also been acting a lot more like a baby and definitely needing some extra snuggles from us too. We will see how she reacts when Baby Cecilia starts to be able to grab her toys!

First bath

Cecilia's first week at home has flown by. She is definitely a night owl and stays up most nights until about 2 or 3. Hopefully we can get that corrected before Mommy has to go back to work in October! Cecilia is a great eater and hasn't been a very fussy baby. She is slowly beginning to open her eyes more and loves to just look around her room and seems to like quiet spaces.

Napping in her crib

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