Thanksgiving 2018

November 2018

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Cadillac this year. It is always a fun time getting Adrienne and Henry together and this year Cecilia was able to experience the fun too! Adrienne had a little too much fun the first day and by the second day she was begging for a nap 😂

I didn't get any pictures of the actual Thanksgiving dinner, but it was enjoyed by all. Adrienne was especially fond of the pie (she even had it for breakfast!). 

The tradition in Josh's family is to go get the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful sunny (but chilly) day. We have done this for many years and I don't remember Santa being there, but we were lucky enough to see him this year! Adrienne wasn't too sure about him but she was willing to sit on Mrs. Claus' lap.

Cecilia slept through the whole meeting.

In the truck with Grandmama going to get the tree

We got it!

Cold but happy

Photobomb by Auntie Sarah

Sweet cousins

We had fun decorating the tree and listening to Christmas music. Adrienne and Henry worked on making some cute little ornaments that Auntie Sarah brought.

It was so fun watching Henry and Adrienne play together. They love running and chasing each other. They also love giggling and screaming together. Henry is quite the dancer!

Auntie Sarah also bought the three cousins matching PJ's. They were so adorable. It used to be easy to pose them and get some cute pictures, but we have found that it is becoming much more challenging. 

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Fall 2018

November 2018

Our first fall in our new home also meant our first fall of yard work! We really didn't do that much and I am sure we will be paying for in in the springtime, but we did have some time to play in the leaves while Daddy raked.

Side note in case Cecilia asks why she isn't in any of these pictures. I used all of her fall pictures in her 4 month update.

The girls and I used to go to the library every Tuesday for story time during my maternity leave. We have really missed it so I was excited to see that they had a Sunday event going on. We went to it and Adrienne made a little bed for a tiny stuffed animal (let's be real, Mommy made a little bed). She absolutely loves it. She calls it her "little guy" and reads a miniature book to it. It is adorable.

At the library after making the bed for her little guy

He even has a window!

Speaking of reading, Adrienne has grown quite the collection of books. She likes to "read" them to Cecilia and scatter them about her room. She even sleeps with them at times.🙄

So many precious moments that I want to remember forever. Josh and I were just talking about how we feel like we are in "the good ole days" right now and how we know we will look back fondly on this time in our lives.

Puppy snuggles

Still loves to dance

Adrienne has the best bed head hair

Shopping with Daddy

So proud of her tower

Adrienne is really into playing with her trains right now.

We have started to practice our Christmas Carols. We can't wait for Christmas!

Four Months Old

November 21, 2018

Baby Cecilia is four months old already!

I feel like I say this every month, but she continues to be the world's happiest baby. She is constantly smiling, especially when she catches sight of her Daddy. As soon as he walks into the room she gets a giant grin. She has even started smiling at Adrienne (she used to brace herself for impact!😉). I remember with Adrienne, it was such a special picture to find one of her smiling at this age. With Cecilia, almost every single picture of her is with a smile!

One new thing that Cecilia has started to do is suck on two fingers. This began shortly after she started daycare. First she sucked on all of her fingers but she quickly found her favorites and she now has them in her mouth most of the time. She typically falls asleep sucking on them too.

This month we started using the exersaucer. She is still a little wobbly in it but she is really enjoying looking at all the toys and hearing the sounds. She doesn't touch them too much by herself yet, but her sister has no problem helping her out.

Cecilia has started to become a very chatty baby. She is doing a lot of babbling and testing out her voice to see how loud she can scream.

As always, the cutest thing to see in our house is the relationship forming between sisters. Adrienne is incredibly loving (most of the time) and loves to give her sister "gentle snuggles" as she calls them.

Halloween 2018

October 31, 2018

We had a great Halloween this year! Over the last couple of months, Adrienne has really started to love Wonder Woman. She watches her every Saturday when they play the 70s Linda Carter Wonder Woman show on MeTV. We thought this would make a perfect Halloween costume for her and she loved it!

We let her wear the costume before Halloween so she could enjoy it while watching her favorite show!

Josh also found some cute Wonder Woman kid gardening gloves that she really liked.

We went to a Halloween themed birthday party to celebrate Kevin and Baby Charlie's birthdays. Adrienne had fun with the purple octopus 😂.

Cecilia got dressed up for the party too. She was a superhero too in her Batman costume.

On Halloween night, Adrienne couldn't wait to go trick-or-treating. We had been reading a lot of books lately about trick-or-treating so she knew exactly what to do. 

Our new house isn't in the greatest trick-or-treating spot so we weren't sure if we were going to have any kids come to our house. I decided to stay back with the candy and Cecilia (it was a pretty chilly night) and Josh and Adrienne went to a nearby neighborhood to trick-or-treat.  Funny side story: I bet Josh $5 that we wouldn't have a single trick-or-treater. Later he saw some kids in costume walking right past our house. They weren't going to stop so he started flicking our porch lights until they turned and saw our house. I ended up owing him $5. We had a total of 2 groups of trick-or-treaters all night. 

Our little Wonder Woman

Josh dressed up too. I've known him for 14 years now and every single year he has been a pirate.

Our little pumpkin on Halloween night

It was a great Halloween!

Three Months Old

October 21, 2018

Cecilia is already three months old!

She is just the most precious and beautiful baby. Seriously, don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks!

Now that the weather finally cooled down, we have been going on many more walks. Cecilia likes to stare up at the leaves in the trees as we walk.

Adrienne continues to be head over heels for Cecilia. We are all wondering if this will continue once Cecilia learns how to grab Adrienne's toys 😏. Adrienne has a habit of tapping Cecilia's head. She tells us she is "petting" Cecilia.

This was also the month Mom went back to work. So not as many pictures :( Hopefully next month we will be more in the swing of things and life will be a bit less crazy. A few more pictures from the month...

Two Months Old

October 10, 2018

Cecilia is two months old (actually close to three now)!

Cecilia continues to be a super happy and easy baby. Last night she slept from 9PM to almost 9AM! I actually had to wake her up in the morning so she could go to daycare. This week was her first week going to daycare and she has been doing great! 

Cecilia and Adrienne have been inseparable. True, Cecilia has no choice yet, but Adrienne says they are "best friends". I see a future of lots of snuggles, hugs, ....and fights and arguing. 😉

Cecilia is a big smiler. All you have to do is look at her and say her name to make her give you a grin. I can't wait until she starts laughing.

I have been enjoying dressing Cecilia up in Adrienne's old clothes. They look so much alike sometimes and other times look like complete opposites.

Cecilia loves to be in her carrier. While I'm chasing Adrienne around, Cecilia spends a lot of time in it. She has gone on many library trips and grocery store trips in it and sleeps soundly for hours.

And more pictures, just because she is adorable. 💗