Tomorrow Adrienne is two months old. My maternity leave ended today (sob😭) and Josh is now staying at home for the next 6 weeks to watch her. He is so excited to have some Daddy-Daughter time with Adrienne. She had her two month checkup today and she weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 4 ounces. She got her first vaccinations and did great! We are so blessed with our happy and healthy little peanut.
This month has been all about the mobile. She discovered it on her playmat and loves to stare at it and make cooing sounds. Since she loved it so much, we bought her another mobile that hooks on to her crib. I'm so grateful for these mobiles because they give me a chance to finally be able to shower and eat breakfast when Josh isn't home. She is a happy girl staring at them...although only for about 15 minutes:). Here are a few pictures of her staring at her mobiles. Also, in the video she is actually talking to her mobile even though you can't see it in the shot.
So far Adrienne is not a huge fan of tummy time. I think when she can start grabbing her toys she might enjoy it more. Right now she can follow a toy or face with her eyes and neck but hasn't reached out for it yet. Here are some pictures of tummy time. She looks like she is enjoying it in the pictures but that usually lasts only about 5 minutes.
Sleeping has improved by leaps and bounds in Adrienne's second month. We usually put her down between 9-11PM. Sometimes Josh rocks her to sleep and sometimes I put her down right after feeding. She is sleeping most nights 4-5 hours before waking up for a feeding. She goes back to sleep after feeding until somewhere between 6-8AM. She usually wakes us up not with her crying, but with her grunting noises. Josh jokes that it sounds like she is in a fight with someone with the sounds that she makes. During the day she takes a few naps of varying amounts of time. We still can't get her to sleep/nap in her crib though:( She typically naps in our arms or in her rock n play or pillow. Another sure way to get her to nap is to take her for a walk in the stroller or a car ride. In fact, the only way I have time to write this blog post is that she is napping right now after a walk in the stroller:)
Sleeping on her pillow lounger
Sleeping in her rock n play
Favorite play to sleep = in our arms
Adrienne did great with the bottle right from the start. Below is a picture of the first time she ever had a bottle.
The plan is to have her eat pumped breastmilk during the day and to continue breastfeeding in the evenings and at night. Hopefully we can continue with this, but I anticipate pumping at school to be challenging with the way this year's schedule is arranged. The good news is Adrienne is an excellent eater. The bad news is she is also an excellent spit-upper. She spits up pretty regularly after most meals. We have definitely had to increase our laundry budget!
As mentioned earlier, her favorite spot to play is her playmat (a gift from Josh's Aunt and Uncle) and under her mobiles. She really likes looking at high contrast pictures and has a favorite spot in our house that is next to a photo gallery on the wall. We also got her a book of all black and white pictures and she seems to enjoy that. She has started to enjoy looking at herself in the mirror too. Below is Adrienne on her playmat giving a big stretch. She loves to stretch out, especially after napping. You can see she has outgrown her newborn clothes. That was the last time she ever wore that cute little sleeper (tear😢).
Everyone's favorite part:)...lots of photos of the little girl!
One of my favorite pictures of Adrienne
We are both tired
Daddy time
Our family (minus Bruce)
Grandma came for a visit for a few days
Grandpa stopped by for a visit
Out shopping with Mommy
First walk in the stroller
Hanging out in the crib
Sitting up
Happy baby. She gives lots of smiles in the mornings.
Bath time. She still enjoys her baths most of the time.
Wearing an adorable outfit passed down from cousin Annie Lou!
This is the only kind of pacifier she likes so far. Too bad it's almost the size of her head!
Another one of my favorite pictures
Lauren came for a visit
Great update! Love the video. It's adorable and it will be nice to remember the sounds :)