Howell Family Reunion

Saturday, August 22, 2015

We were lucky enough to have Brian, Patty, Yan, and Kai stay in Michigan for a whole month this summer.  I didn't get pictures of everything we did together (and that would have been a long blog post!) but below are a few of the activities.  It was great to spend a lot of time with the four of them!

We picked blueberries and enjoyed doughnut blueberry sundaes.  Grandpa was the champion blueberry picker!

Kai is quite a cutie.  He mastered walking during his Michigan trip.

We went to the Frederick Meijer Gardens and saw their new Japanese garden exhibit.  Here we are in the zen rock garden.

The kids had lots of quality cousin time.

We spent some time at Tunnel Park in Holland.  I am not sure who had more fun building in the sand, Annie Lou or Patty!

We celebrated Grandpa's 62nd birthday!

Yan really enjoyed the Children's Museum in Ann Arbor.

Sam enjoyed spending time with Tio Brian

Kai learned "So Big" :)